How To Know If There Are Fleas In Bed: Everything You Need to Know!

Fleas in bed? Before you worry about getting rid of fleas, you need to know if you have fleas in bed or not. Making your bed fleas-free becomes challenging when you don’t know whether you’re suffering from fleas in bedding or not.

Removing them from your bedding requires different approaches. The first thing is identifying their presence, determining their type, and taking appropriate measures.

First, learn about fleas in bed a bit!

A flea is a small jumping insect. It thrives on mammals’ blood. Once fleas find a breeding place, it becomes easy for them to grow. All they need is something organic where they can feed the larvae that emerge from the eggs.

Fleas such blood from humans & animals. Though they’re tiny, making your life miserable is not difficult for them. If you think you encounter fleas in bedding, you need to look for signs of fleas in bed.

The sooner you identify their presence, the better you can control them. To help you determine if fleas are in bed or not, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn about signs of fleas in bed and how to get rid of fleas on bed.

Let’s get started…

Are Fleas Found In Your Mattress?

The short answer is yes. Your bedding makes a perfect hospitable environment for fleas to live on. Fleas thrive in warm temperatures. And, your bed is a great place for them to lay eggs within the mattress.

Another reason why fleas lie in your bed is that you spend around one-third of your day sleeping there. While you sleep, fleas suck your blood — making your bed a great place for them.

Ideal Places For Fleas To Hide

One of the ideal places for fleas is inside of your mattress. Fleas lay eggs there and feed their larvae. Other places include seams of pillows, bedsheets, and blankets.

How Do I Spot Fleas In My Bed?

  • Examine Your Body for Bite Marks

To spot fleas in the bed, the very first step is to inspect your body. If you see any bite marks on your body in the torso region, it’s most probably the result of fleas biting your body. Generally, bite marks appear in clusters around feet & ankle regions.

Though fleas typically bite on the lower part of the legs, examine your complete body. If there are itchy bites with reddish circles around them, they are most likely to be bite marks of fleas.

  • Look At Your Bedding

Once you are sure about the presence of fleas in the bed, it’s time to find where exactly they are lying. For that, you need to remove the sheets covering the mattress on your bed. Look into the seams to find if there are fleas in the mattress or bedding. Fleas and bedbugs look very similar, but fleas grow only up to 3.3 millimeters. Fleas are oval and slightly bigger than bed bugs. If you find insects in your bed with such signs, there are signs of fleas in the bed.

Examine Your PetsApart from humans, fleas are found on pets as well. They often hide in their tail or skin. Pets carry fleas on their body and come to your bed. From there, these fleas move to your bed and move within the mattress. Inspect your pets for fleas using an insect comb.

What Do Fleas Look Like On Bedding?

Wondering what do fleas look like on bedding? You’ll find red or brown colored insects looking like seeds. Remember that fleas are not only in bedding, but they can thrive in other areas of your bed, as well as zippers, tags, and crevices of drawers. Other furniture in your bedroom may also host fleas, so make sure to inspect your bedroom thoroughly. You may also find tiny blood spots and black specks, which indicates the excrement of fleas.

When fleas make your bed their habitat, your mattress is the most likely place to host flea eggs. Other than that, flea eggs on bed sheets are common too.

How Did Fleas Get Into My Bedding?

The most likely reason for fleas in bedding is your pets. Since fleas thrive on organic materials and suck the blood of humans and animals, your cats and dogs are most likely hosts of fleas. They will thrive on your pet’s blood. If your pet has fleas, fleas will off him and get into your bedding whenever he comes to your bed. If there are no pets in your home, then fleas might be coming to your home from a neighboring property having fleas.

How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Mattress?

Getting rid of fleas in bed can be challenging if you don’t know the right process. To help you with how to get rid of fleas on the mattress, here’s what you need to do:

  • Once you know your bed is infested with fleas, remove all the sheets, covers, pillowcases, and blankets. Use a quality detergent and wash them all in hot water. Though fleas thrive in hot temperatures, they can’t stand the heat. Hot tumble dries the sheets, and you’ll find them killed.

  • The chances are that there are fleas in the mattress. So, you need to vacuum the entire mattress a few times. If you can treat the mattress with a specialized product, that would be even better.

  • Vacuum your bedroom thoroughly. Make sure that you vacuum the hard-to-reach surfaces as well.

  • Apart from bedding, vacuum your carpets, rugs, sofas, and other furniture too. You can use a flea powder along with vacuuming. However, make sure to use a non-toxic powder.

  • If you want to ensure that your home is entirely fleas-free, hire a professional flea removal and prevention service.

How to Stop Further Flea Infestations?

Here are a few things you can ensure to stop further flea infestation in your home.

  • Fleas are tiny and challenging to catch in routine cleaning, so ensure regular vacuuming. After vacuuming, fleas collected in a sealed bag should be thrown away from your home.

  • There may be flea eggs on sheets, so wash the bed sheets in hot water. It will help get rid of fleas and flea eggs on bedsheets.

  • Clean your pets with specialized products made to keep fleas safe from fleas.

  • Maintain the overall cleanliness of your home and keep the outside clutter-free.

  • Spray flea removal & prevention products in your garden.

  • Water your outside area regularly.

Final Advice

If you are experiencing all the signs of fleas in your bedding and flea eggs on the bed, consider a professional flea control service.

It’s tempting to get rid of fleas on your own, but having a professional flea control and prevention services pays a lot. The benefits that come with it are huge. A professional service provider offers the appropriate treatment depending on the type of fleas thriving on your mattress.

To prevent your bedroom and overall house from flea infestation, maintain an appropriate level of cleanliness. Keep your pets clean as well!

Last updated